Monday, January 23, 2017

Different Paths

The location that I have chosen to do is of the building York. The reason I chose the building is because there are many ways to get to the dorm. Each path gives you a different feeling and a different way to look at the building itself. Let's start with the first of the paths.

The first path is from the front of the building where the main building sign is in view. As you pull up to the building a large elegant entrance. It gives the appearance of being large and most certainly a regal sight. It gives the people as they approach that true High Point experience.

Coming from the right side of the building you will be noticing, that the door is rather smaller and appears to be more likely for those who currently live in the building. It is normally surrounded by different flowers and tables giving the illusion of an apartment feel. It's obviously not the main entrance and it is the one that is most used by the students.

From the rear of the building you will notice, it also has a similar appearance to the front with the large sign hanging above the door. However the parking lot in the back of the building, shows how little people who come just for a day or so go to the back. With the vehicles moving at all hours of the day it is more of a fearful path from classes and back to your room.

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